The Cookie Policy of Mincovňa Kremnica, š.p. at informs the users of the use of these files and similar files, as stipulated by the EU Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communications.

In order to ensure the proper functioning of this website, we store small data files, the so-called cookies, on your device. It is a common and useful practice of most major websites. By continuing to browse our websites without changing the cookie settings in your browser, you agree to the storage of cookies on your device. Please refer to the below section "How to check cookies" for details on how to withdraw your consent.

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when browsing the website. Thanks to this file, the website keeps track of your steps and preferences (such as language, font size and other display settings) for a certain time, so you do not have to enter them again when browsing its individual pages.

How do we use cookies?
These websites use cookies to remember user settings and to enable the necessary functionality of the websites. We also use Google Analytics cookies which help us tailor the sites to your needs. Your privacy is important to us and, therefore, all of these data are anonymous and do not record any personal information on the user or information that could lead to the identification of their person. These data are used only for statistical, technical and marketing purposes.

Google Analytics - these cookies belong to the category of analytical files that serve to create anonymous reports on the popularity of, and traffic to, each site. Generated information is stored by Google as anonymous statistical data which are impossible to attribute to a specific person.

We do not use cookies for any purposes other than those mentioned above. Individual data are only available to selected employees of the company and the authorised administrator of our websites.

How to check cookies
The cookies we use on our websites are permanent and temporary. Permanent cookies remain on your device even when you leave our website, while temporary cookies are deleted after you close your browser. You can check and/or delete all cookies at your discretion. You can delete all cookies stored on your computer or other device and set most browsers to prevent them from being stored. For instructions on blocking and deleting cookies, please visit the home pages of your browsers. For details on how to delete and reject cookies and more information on these files, please visit the website or

How to disable cookies
The use of cookies can be set in your internet browser. Most browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies.

For information on the use of cookies in mobile phone browsers and details on how to disable and delete cookies, please refer to your phone or tablet user manual.

Once you block cookies, you will still be able to visit our websites, but some features may not work properly. At the same time, your preferred site settings will not be saved and we will not be able to analyse the traffic to our sites and customise their settings to the needs of users.