Investment gold is a way of an advantageous investment in a product with enduring value.

According to § 67 Sec.1 point a) of the VAT Act, Article 344 of Council Directive 2006/112 / EC, investment gold shall mean:
- gold, which is in the form of a bar or a wafer of weight accepted by the bullion market of a fineness equal or greater than 995 thousandths,
- gold coins of fineness equal or greater than 900/1000, minted after 1800, being or have been a legal currency in the country of origin and sold at a price, which does not exceed the market value of the gold contained in the coins by more than 80%.

Investment coins
Investment coins represent one of the ways of investing in gold. Their value changes over time and it is depending on the evolution of the price of gold on the London Bullion Market LBMA, which altogether guarantees the possibility to purchase your investment coins at advantageous prices.
EC Commission annually publishes a list of gold coins in the Official Journal of the European Union meeting the criteria set out in Article 344 Sec. 1 point 2 of Council Directive 2006/112 / EC, and that are considered as investment gold among the member states, resulting in their supply being exempted from VAT.
This criteria are also suitable for the gold collector coins with a nominal value of EUR 100, which are issued by the National Bank of Slovakia.